UK Register

You can search for Trichologists on our register by name, registration type and registration number from our full register listing below. Once your search is complete, click on the ‘Find Out More’ button to bring up the Trichologist’s full list of information. 

Search for an IOT Registrant

Trichologist Name

Registration Type

Registration Type

Registration Number

Denise Knight

Registration Type:

Registration Number:


9 Knowler Way, Liversedge, West Yorkshire, WF15 6DG

0797 33 77060

Eleanore Richardson

Registration Type:

Registration Number:


392 Lillie Road, London SW6 7PE, UK

0207 731 6695

Shirley McDonald

Registration Type:

Registration Number:


Hichams, 27 Vivian Avenue,Hendon, London, NW4 3UX

0208 202 2004

Moira Maloney

Registration Type:

Registration Number:


3 Ash Tree Close, Croydon CR0 7SR, UK

0208 407 9345

Laura Fowles

Registration Type:

Registration Number:


54 Green Street, London, W1K 6RU

0207 629 4004

Victoria Kirby

Registration Type:

Registration Number:


155 Arthur Road, Wimbledon Park, London, SW18 8AD, UK

0203 576 5671

Information We Hold
The information held on our registrants include their qualifications, clinic contact information and CPD points for the previous 2 years.

“Special Interests”
All registrants are able to accept patients for the diagnosis of hair and scalp conditions. Where appropriate, treatment plans can then be recommended. If required, further referral can be advised. Registrants may list ‘special interests’ as a particular area of trichology that is either of particular interest to them, or that they have particular experience of.

Indemnity insurance is a requirement of registration for all registrants.

Subscribing registrants who have qualified with the IOT are entitled to use their post graduate letters of AIT,  MIT or FIT.

Please see our registration page in for more information about the meaning of a Trichologist being a registered member of the Institute of Trichologists.