IOT Call for Hair Samples

We trust this message finds you well.

Please find an invitation below from one of our registrants, Tony Maleedy MIT.

Some of you may know that I conduct research into hair using Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) at the University of Bath in which the hairs are magnified several hundreds or thousands of times. This interesting and revealing research can improve our knowledge of both the hair structure and disorders.

I will be doing more SEM work in January and should you come across any interesting hair conditions in your Trichology practice, I would like to invite you to send samples of the hair to me for SEM Examination.

Samples should be of hair only, not the scalp.

If your samples are used, I will send you the resulting micrographs which can be printed or used in any way you wish.

When sending the samples please place them in a small plastic bag or cling film before putting them into an envelope with the following information:

  • The age and gender of the person the sample is from.
  • What you think the hair condition/disorder of the sample to be.
  • Any unusual or interesting aspect of the patient, their hair, or any causative factors that may have resulted in hair damage.
  • Any other information you think is relevant to the hair sample.

Please address the envelope to;
Hair Sampling, Tony Maleedy, Upper Field Barn, Cockers Hill, Compton Dando , Somerset, BS39 4JX.

Thank you for your help. If you have any questions please contact me at or call me on: 07771771121.


Kind regards,
The IOT Team