We trust this message finds you well.
We are writing to inform you of a change regarding the listing of CPD points on the IOT Trichologist Register, and updates to the IOT’s CPD Policy.
Update on CPD Points on the IOT Trichologist Register
Recently, we increased the IOT’s CPD requirements for registration from 5 to 10 points, with a further increase to 15 points planned for next year (and – of course, we would whole heartedly encourage everyone to aim to exceed this target). This change reflects our ongoing commitment to maintaining high professional standards within our community.
However, after much consideration and discussion, it has become evident that it is not necessary to display the CPD points on the register. The primary reason is that there is no competitive element in displaying these points. We all either meet the CPD requirement, or we do not.
Please be assured that this change does not diminish the importance we place on continuing professional development. On the contrary, we are committed to ensuring that we all meet and maintain the required CPD points. We all share the responsibility to continually update and expand our knowledge, as education is the pathway to professionalism. By doing so, we uphold the high standards that define our profession and most importantly ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients.
Updates to the IOT’s CPD Policy
We have also made minor alterations to the IOT’s Continuing Professional Development policy. While the principles of the CPD policy remain consistent with its previous version, we have taken steps to improve its clarity and presentation, and include additional guidance for registrants.
Key Updates
- Increase in requirements: As already communicated, we have increased the requirements from 5 to 10 points annually.
- Implementation of a new CPD year: The CPD year runs from 1st July – 30th June each year in conjunction with the registration year.
- Implementation of a new process: The process will now will be that in order to remain on the register for the upcoming year, registrants must have met the requirements during the previous year. For example, to remain on the register for the 2025-2026 registration year, registrants must obtain 10 points between 1st July 2024 and 30th June 2025.
- Additional guidance: On what is eligible to meet the CPD requirements.
Please click here to view and download the CPD Policy.
If you have any questions or feedback regarding the updated CPD Policy, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Thank you for your understanding and continued commitment to professional growth.
Kind regards,
The IOT Team